Friday 24 December 2010

FRIDAY 24 DECEMBER - No more dreaming of a white Christmas!

So here we are on Christmas Eve. The time for preparation, anticipation and searching for presents comes to a close for another year and we head home to families to enjoy what I hope for everyone will be a peaceful and very happy Christmas time.

This winter wonderland scene was taken on the road from Taunton to Wiveliscombe this morning as I headed out to pay a visit to Pulsford Lodge. I was also able to call in to present a Christmas Hamper of goodies to the staff at South West Motors in Taunton to thank them for their outstanding support to our community teams over the past week. We could not have managed without their drivers and 4x4 vehicles.

Although I shall be enjoying time with my family over the next few days my thoughts will be with those hundreds of our colleagues who will be out in the community and in our care homes working around the clock to ensure that everyone who needs our support gets the visits and care that they need.

The final contribution to my Christmas carol collection for this year came at a special Carol singing party held this morning at Halcon House, our respite centre here in Taunton. under the spirited and gifted direction of our very own Bing Crosbie impersonator Mike Vickery.

YouTube Video



THURSDAY 23 DECEMBER - Silver anniversary at The Priory

As the countdown to Christmas approaches the end for another year my visits today took me first to Frith House in Burnham-on-Sea, then to our Community Base at Stonehouse in Gloucestershire and on to The Priory in Tetbury.

The lunch party I attended at the Priory was a festive occasion with a difference as we were celebrating the 25th Anniversary of May Hardwidge moving into the home. It is wonderful to reflect that this has been May's home since 23rd December 1985. Many of her friends joined the party as did a number of former members of staff who have supported May in the past and have now long since retired themselves. The Mayor of Tetbury and her Deputy Mayor were also among the guests. Tess Edwards was able to read out a special message of best wishes sent to May by Tetbury's Royal resident HRH The Prince of Wales. I felt privileged to be able to join the party which was a real celebration of the value of good residential care, and to offer best wishes to May for many more happy years at what has clearly become more than a care home; it is May's home.

The party was actually a double celebration as we were also able to wish a Very Happy 92nd Birthday to Jane Gorsky.

Our best wishes to Jane, May and all the residents and staff at The Priory for a very Happy Christmas and New Year!


Wednesday 22 December 2010


My other visits today were to Carrington House in Wincanton, and Rowden House and Critchill Court in Frome. In all the homes I found staff and residents busy, active and engaged in the preparations for Christmas. Without exception the homes are all looking wonderful with their trees and decorations bringing festive cheer to the homes as they sit in the wintry Somerset landscape. I was particularly struck by the very stylish decorations in the dining room at Carrington House but sadly didn't get a photo. In all the homes there are great stories of how staff have demonstrated their commitment to get to work despite the arctic conditions. In many homes staff have been sleeping in and undertaking extra shifts to cover for snow bound colleagues.

A wintry looking Rowden House on the outside.

And a warm welcome inside. In the picture Deputy Manager Teresa Box, Activity Co-ordinators Denise Warder and Marilyn Howard and Care Support
Assistant Larraine Creighton.

Gardener/Handyman Richard hard at work clearing the snow at Critchill Court.
This afternoon at Critchill residents were enjoying their regular "Singing for the Brain" session so I was able to capture (and contribute a little bit) their rendition of "God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen".

YouTube Video

Location:Wincanton & Frome

WEDNESDAY 22 DECEMBER - Our Community Staff are Outstanding

The adverse weather conditions of the past week have severely tested all organisations that provide services in the community to people in their homes. I have been visiting some of our community bases and have been hearing inspirational stories of dedication and determination by so many people to ensure that, despite the conditions, people will continue to get the support they need. In many areas we have been working on what is known as "crisis banding" to ensure that those with the greatest need get support as top priority. In many other cases we have been able to call on the support of families and neighbours to check that people are safe and well if and when it has proved impossible to get staff to them. This type of emergency procedure is well established and tested. It works well for a few days however the longer the adverse conditions continue the more pressing becomes the need to ensure that all our clients are visited. Juggling conflicting priorities and managing limited staff resources and time is a great skill that all our bases have developed. The response throughout all our bases has been that of dedicated professionalism of the highest order.

Our staff in Somerset Care At Home and in Echoes Community Care have been magnificent in their response to the conditions. They have taken risks themselves on treacherously icy and snow covered roads. We have had tremendous support from many people and especially the 4x4 fleet operators, owners and drivers who have volunteered themselves and their vehicles to support our care staff. We are most grateful to them all.

Representatives of the wonderful care teams are this valiant group of Community Team Supervisors and Senior Carers who I met deep 'in conference(!)' outside the Frome Community Services Office. I think the conference was about who gets to drive the 4x4! (l to r) Justine Plumridge, Colleen Tucker, Catherine Rodgers and Anna Newton.

Our stylish Frome base.
Thanks and very best wishes go to all our community teams who are out every day of the year delivering over 40,000 hours of care every week in 15 local authority areas. Take care, stay safe and I hope that somehow you will all find some time for a bit of a break over the Christmas period.
Best Wishes to you all.


TUESDAY 21 DECEMBER - Moorhaven swings into action

Today's seasonal contribution comes courtesy of Jo Fenn and her wonderful staff team at Moorhaven in Taunton. I arrived to find the home beautifully decked out with stunning decorations and the residents Christmas party in full swing. The choir are starting early and hope to have learned the words by next Christmas! Well done everyone and thanks for the great contribution to the blog and for doing so much to get everyone into the festive spirit.

YouTube Video


Monday 20 December 2010

MONDAY 20 DECEMBER - Fletcher's Artists

As a follow up to the piece below about the Fletcher House Art Exhibition on Saturday, Glenda sent me these great pictures of some of our resident artists with their work.

Ray Glynn

Barbara Owen, Primrose Cummins and Nancy Wright

Nancy Wright

Jean Smith

Barbara Owen.
Thank you ladies, for sharing your work. We look forward to seeing your further artistic productions in the new year.


SATURDAY 18 DECEMBER - Field House in the Snow

On my way home through the snow on Saturday I called in to see how the folk at Field House were coping with the weather. The home looked very different to normal under it's snowy blanket.

The cold exterior gave way to a warm and festive scene inside where the home, and particularly it's impressive hallway and staircase was looking great in it's Christmas finery.

The staff, as with their colleagues in all the homes, were coping brilliantly, with those living close by undertaking extra shifts to cover for those unable to get to work in the icy conditions. There is great teamwork in evidence across the whole of our Group during the current difficult weather conditions.

Location:Shepton Mallet

Sunday 19 December 2010

SATURDAY 18 DECEMBER - Fletcher House Residents Art Exhibition

On Saturday Somerset awoke to a thick blanket of snow and atrocious travel conditions. So it was with some trepidation, a spade, blanket and hope for the best that I set off for Wells, determined to visit the special exhibition of art work by the residents of Fletcher House on display at the Seager Hall. The journey took a while as the roads were treacherous and only passable with considerable extra care.

The road from Shepton Mallet to Wells had a distinctly alpine look to it. I arrived in Wells to find the streets pretty deserted and looking rather Dickensian in the winter light.

However there was a warm welcome awaiting at the hall where Carol Mohide and Pip James were on hand to welcome the few brave souls who had ventured out.

It was a real pleasure to see the excellent exhibition. The art work showed the talent of our resident group to great effect.

It was a pleasure to meet Glenda Maynard, the local resident of Wells and talented artist and teacher who has been working as a volunteer with our residents.

It was also a special delight to see the work of our centenarian resident Edith Wilkinson (picture below). Edith is one of the special group of Somerset Centenarians whose life stories will be published next year in the special book that Somerset Care is producing to mark our 20th Anniversary year.

Despite the weather and a limited attendance the exhibition was a success and a number of pictures were sold. I hope this is something that can be done again and possibly extended to other homes during 2011 when we intend to do more to promote the Arts in all forms as therapy, activity, stimulation and sheer enjoyment for all our residents and clients. Many congratulations to Glenda and the staff and residents of Fletcher House on their great initiative.


Thursday 16 December 2010

THURSDAY 16 DECEMBER - Rudolf gets an outing at Fletcher House

So on to Wells and this afternoon's Christmas party and singalong at Fletcher House led by the indefatigable manager Carol Mohide and her happy band of helpers, both volunteers and staff. It was a most enjoyable afternoon and a real pleasure to meet some of the new young members of staff who have only been working at the home for a few months but have already willingly volunteered to work on Christmas Day. Some members of the young generation of care staff I meet are truly inspiring and give us all great cause to be optimistic about our society in the future.

YouTube Video

Click the video to catch up with Rudolph. Merry Christmas to everyone at Fletcher House!


THURSDAY 16 DECEMBER - Central Office Harmony

Today it was the turn of the Central Office Team to add their contribution as they enjoyed their Christmas Event with lunch at the Calway House Community Room. Luckily they had the expert guidance of our own musical maestro, our Non Exec Director Chris Davies on hand to conduct.

YouTube Video

Nicely done everyone! A jolly Ding Dong!


TUESDAY 14 DECEMBER - Last Christmas Party at Old Croft House

With the exciting prospect of the new Croft House care home that is due to open in Spring 2011 the Christmas Party this year was a time for a nostalgic indulgence in many fond memories of people and happenings in the existing building that has served the community of Williton so successfully for over 40 years. The last Christmas Party at the home was attended by all the residents with their families, friends and members of staff. Many former members of the staff team were also there to enjoy the party.

The Croft House staff of Christmases past.

Erstwhile Croft House Manager and recently retired Operations Manager Brenda Clare was on hand to cut the Christmas Cake.


Saturday 11 December 2010

FRIDAY 10 DECEMBER - Grovelands Staff Awards and Heavenly Choir

Friday evening and a special treat as I attended the annual Grovelands Staff Awards and Staff Party in Yeovil. The staff team had much to celebrate this year after the recent recognition of Grovelands for "Outstanding Dementia Design" at the National Dementia Care Awards. The design of the home is great but it is the atmosphere and high standards of care that marks Grovelands out as a care home of distinction. The large number of award certificates presented at the event was evidence of the tremendous commitment of all members of the staff team to the continuous search for excellence through training.

The distinguished figure top left in the picture above is the Mayor of Yeovil, Councillor Philip Chandler. He was also an award recipient, for Dementia Awareness, as Phil's day job is that of Gardener/Handyman at Grovelands. Phil's wife Linda, the Mayoress, also works in care as an activity co-ordinator. We are very proud to have the Mayor as a member of our great staff team.

Special thanks for their inspirational leadership of the Grovelands team should go to our manager Jackie Howells (left) and her tireless Deputy Manager Natalie White.

In what is becoming a catching trend for my blog the staff joined together for a special rendition of Silent Night. The video is one to savour and can be found online by entering YouTube and selecting - "Grovelands Heavenly Choir". This link should also take you there:


THURSDAY 9 DECEMBER - Residents Stepping Out on the NuStep

Thanks to a generous donation from our friends at NuStep in America we have been able to install an exercise machine specially developed for older people at Wyndham House in Minehead. It was a pleasure to spend some time with some of our residents today who are already making great use of the trainer.

Checkout the video to see how residents Doreen Fleetwood (96) and John Neal (86) are enjoying the exercise and keeping fit. They are wonderful new converts to using the trainer. As the video file is too big for this blog, to do this you should visit YouTube and call up the video titled "NuStep at Somerset Care".

The residents are now planning a virtual NuStep journey across the world to Australia. Look out for further reports to see how far they have travelled!

Location:Wyndham House, Minehead

Friday 10 December 2010

THURSDAY 9 DECEMBER - Minehead Residents and Staff in the Mood

The festive season is underway in Minehead with the High Street looking well decked out and many Christmas shoppers out looking for presents. Wyndham House was also looking great today with very stylish decorations in evidence.

Following a chat with residents and staff and a chance to review how things are at the home I was delighted when some of the residents and staff agreed to record a Christmas song for me. Click the image below.

YouTube Video

Best wishes for Christmas to all at Wyndham House!

Location:Wyndham House, Minehead

Thursday 9 December 2010

THURSDAY 9 DECEMBER - Thanks to the West Somerset Carers

It was a pleasure to be able to join a staff meeting this afternoon at our Somerset Care At Home base at Minehead. Along with their colleagues throughout the Somerset Care Group they have all worked brilliantly over the past week through our spell of arctic weather. Sally Kemp of the West Somerset team has become a TV star with two items about her community work broadcast on the BBC.

With only a little persuasion the staff team agreed to record a seasonal message to the world via my blog. Click the video below and be amazed!

YouTube Video

Look out everyone! This could become catching as I get round on as many visits as I can over the next couple of weeks!


Saturday 4 December 2010

SATURDAY 4 DECEMBER - Time out for Shopping

Back in 2002-2004 I had the privilege of being Chairman of the Committee that worked to create a new community shop in the village of Brockweir in the Wye Valley, where we were living at the time. Since moving to Somerset my wife and I have been lending moral support to the gallant committee seeking to do the same thing in the South Somerset villages of Seavington St Mary and Seavington St Michael.

Today the Seavington Community Shop and Café was delighted to welcome actor Carole Boyd, who plays Linda Snell in the BBC’s “The Archers”, to perform the formal opening of this great new facility.

Playing a character who resides in the fictional village of Ambridge, Carole Boyd is well acquainted with the plight of a community who, faced with losing a vital service, pull together to save their shop as a collective. The Seavington community first identified the need to take ownership of their shop in 2005, and after more than four years of stalwart fundraising and planning, the new building finally opened for business in July this year.

The villagers raised nearly £40,000 through bonds, shares and fundraising events, proving to be a fine example of David Cameron’s vision for the Big Society, taking local action to address a very real need. The remaining funds were raised from South Somerset District Council, Somerset County Council and the Esmee Fairbairn Foundation, as part of a comprehensive package of support from the Plunkett Foundation.

This purpose-built, environmentally friendly shop is conveniently located next to the village hall midway between Seavington St Michael and Seavington St Mary. It boasts a range of locally produced food and drink, including Burrow Hill Cider, sausages and bacon from the award winning Bringing Home the Bacon in Donyatt, honey from Whitelackington and organic milk produced in Seavington itself. The café serves specialist coffees, home made cakes and an excellent bacon buttie!

Committee Chairman David Froome commented: “At a time when local services are under threat, it is a great achievement for our two small villages to come together to build and open this shop. The support of the villagers has been overwhelming and we’d like to thank everyone who has helped to make this dream a reality.”

Over the last year Ambridge, the fictional village in The Archers, has campaigned, fundraised and opened its own community shop, also with the help of the Plunkett Foundation, which advised scriptwriters on the storyline.

The Seavington community shop and café is open from 8.30am – 6pm Monday – Friday and 9am – 3pm Saturdays. Do pop in if you are passing. The volunteer staff would love to see you.

Location:The Seavingtons, South Somerset