Thursday 26 August 2010

A buzz of activity at Preston Park House

My visit today was to Preston Park House in Yeovil, one of our nursing homes. The home was buzzing after what had clearly been a wonderful musical morning with a visiting artiste. It was great to see how much the home has done with volunteers recently and with technology. The residents' IT setup is proving a great success and has been warmly welcomed by everyone. It was possible to relive some of the events of the summer and especially what had been a very successful summer fete. Click the video link below to hear Activity Co-ordinator Sara Gould-Haines explaining how they are using the system.

YouTube Video

Sara came to Somerset Care from her home in Canada and has brought with her a tremendous sense of energy and zest for life. She was a recipient of a "Best Newcomer" award at our Long Service and Care Awards ceremony last month. She used to be a circus performer and has brought her love of showmanship to Preston Park in a way that has given a great boost to the home. As I left she was about to start an afternoon session with the residents, reading (and I suspect acting) scenes from "Pride and Prejudice". She gave me some helpful tips for the trip I am planning to Canada in October to study the storytelling tradition amongst First Nation Native Canadians. I was also able to capture a nice picture of Deputy Manager Ann Parkhurst together with Nurse Supervisor Sue Mann. Congratulations to Sue on being selected as a finalist for the "Care Focus" Awards in October. Our fingers will be crossed for her on the night of the awards. Thanks - "Preston People" for an uplifting visit and congratulations on reaching your fundraising target for additional equipment for your activity lounge.

Tuesday 24 August 2010

Visit to Frith House

Today I had the pleasure of an afternoon visiting Frith House for a catch up with Vicki and her team. As always the home was looking great with a number of new ideas being implemented. I loved the idea of the sensory lounge and the seaside lounge in the SRC unit. It was good to engage in interesting discussion with members of the staff team about the uniform/no uniform trial.

Manager Vicki Mitchell very much in charge of her home ably supported by Admin Assistant Yvonne.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Monday 23 August 2010

Launch of Andrew's Blog

The idea of a blog has been on my "to do" list for some time and now, thanks to the help and advice of Rob, Jason and Neil in the IT Department at Acacia House, the site is ready to launch today.  It won't necessarily offer new content every day but new posts will be added whenever there is something of interest to say.  If anyone has interesting snippets of news or photos to share do please send these to me by email and they can be included.

We heard today about the very successful "Treasure Hunt" organised by Di Allen and the team at Croft House at the weekend in and around Watchet.  This raised a great sum of £400 towards the new garden that is being planned for the new Croft House in Williton.  We are also very pleased that students at Cannington College will be involved in the design of the garden.  We need lots of creativity to raise more money for this project and hope it will allow us to develop a very special garden for our residents at the new home.

More to follow.   Watch this space!!